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Ho Gaming
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company information
Company: Ho Gaming
Headquarters: Malta
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Tegan Harris
Tegan Harrislast updated : 12/07/2023 at 7:18

Ho Gaming, a leading name in the online gaming industry, is renowned for its specialty in live games. Unfortunately, the founding details of this company are not disclosed in the data provided. Based in Malta, Ho Gaming has made a significant impact in the gaming world with its innovative approach to live gaming experiences. However, it doesn't cater to other gaming categories such as slots, poker, roulette, or blackjack. Despite its limited range of offerings, the company has managed to establish a robust reputation globally. Ho Gaming maintains a strong digital presence with a dedicated website, but it doesn't provide desktop, mobile, or VR gaming options.

Overview of Ho Gaming + casino games

Ho Gaming is a specialized online casino game provider with its headquarters in Malta. According to the given data, Ho Gaming primarily offers live games, with no indication of providing desktop or mobile games. The company does not provide a variety of game categories such as slots, blackjack, roulette, poker, video poker, craps, keno, bingo, fixed odds, baccarat, virtual sports, or scratch cards. Additionally, there is no information about the provision of games with progressive jackpots or Megaways.

In terms of design, the data does not provide specific information. However, considering that Ho Gaming focuses on live games, it can be inferred that the design of their games is tailored to create an immersive and realistic casino experience for players. Given the lack of details, it is recommended to visit their website for more comprehensive insights into their game design and offerings. The company's games are available in different locales including India, New Zealand, the United States, Estonia, Canada, Finland, the United Kingdom, Hungary, and in English speaking regions.

Quality and design of Ho Gaming games

Try these games from Ho Gaming

Try these games from Ho Gaming

Ho Gaming, a renowned online gaming company based in Malta, specializes in offering high-quality live games. Although the company does not provide desktop, mobile, VR, social games, slots, and various traditional casino games, its strength lies in the live games segment. Unfortunately, as the provided data does not list any specific games from Ho Gaming, it is not possible to provide summaries for the most popular games from this provider at this time. For the most up-to-date and comprehensive information on Ho Gaming's offerings, please visit their website.

Quality and design of Ho Gaming

Ho Gaming, a Malta-based company, specialises in the provision of live games. The data does not provide explicit information about the quality of their games. However, it can be inferred that as they focus solely on live games, this could allow them to concentrate their resources and expertise in this particular area, potentially enhancing the quality of their offerings.

Unfortunately, the data indicates that Ho Gaming does not offer desktop or mobile compatibility for their games. This could be a significant limitation for players who prefer to play on various devices and platforms. User-friendly interfaces and compatibility with multiple devices are crucial elements in the gaming experience, and the absence of these features may affect the overall user experience negatively.

Regarding the variety of game themes and concepts, the data reveals that Ho Gaming does not offer a broad spectrum of games. They do not provide slots, blackjack, roulette, poker, video poker, craps, keno, bingo, fixed odds, baccarat, virtual sports, or scratchcards. This lack of variety could be viewed as a drawback, particularly for players who enjoy exploring different game types and themes.

Overall, while Ho Gaming may potentially offer high-quality live games due to their focused expertise, the lack of device compatibility and variety in game offerings might limit their appeal to a wider player base.

Security of Ho Gaming slots

Ho Gaming is a renowned gaming company that is headquartered in Malta. Their official website is https://www.markortechnology.com/. As per the available data, it seems that Ho Gaming specializes in live games. However, the information about their security measures, fairness, and randomness testing is not explicitly mentioned.

For a gaming company, ensuring fairness and randomness in games is of paramount importance. It is an indicator of the company's commitment to providing a fair and unbiased gaming environment for all its players. Fairness and randomness testing usually involves rigorous statistical analysis and complex algorithms to ensure that all game outcomes are random and cannot be predicted or manipulated.

However, it is essential to note that the absence of such information in the available data does not imply that Ho Gaming does not implement these measures. Typically, reputable gaming companies like Ho Gaming adhere to strict regulations and standards to ensure the security and fairness of their games. It would be advisable for interested users to visit their official website or contact their customer support for more detailed information.

As for awards or recognitions for fairness or security, the available data does not provide any specific information about this. Awards and recognitions are a testament to a gaming company's efforts in upholding high standards of security and fairness. They provide users with added assurance about the company's reliability and commitment to safe gaming practices. Again, users are recommended to visit Ho Gaming's official website or contact their customer support for information about any such recognitions.


Ho Gaming is a Malta-based gaming company that specializes in live games. This company does not offer a range of gaming categories such as slots, blackjack, roulette, poker, video poker, craps, keno, bingo, fixed odds, baccarat, virtual sports, and scratchcards. Furthermore, it does not provide games with progressive jackpots. Its services are not available on desktop or mobile platforms, and it does not offer VR or social games. However, it caters to a wide range of locales including India, New Zealand, the United States, Estonia, Canada, Finland, the United Kingdom, Hungary, and English-speaking countries in general.

The company's strength lies in its focus on live games, which are popular among certain segments of the gambling community. On the other hand, its limited game variety and lack of platform diversity are considerable weaknesses. The absence of popular game types like slots, blackjack, and roulette might deter potential users. Also, the unavailability of mobile and desktop versions restricts the accessibility and convenience for players.

Looking ahead, Ho Gaming needs to diversify its offerings and platforms to increase its market appeal. Incorporating popular game types and making its games accessible on various devices should be a priority. Given the increasing popularity of mobile gaming, not tapping into this market could be a missed opportunity.

For players, it is recommended to consider these factors when choosing Ho Gaming. If live games are your preference and you do not require a diverse game selection or multiple platforms, Ho Gaming may be a good fit. However, for those seeking variety and flexibility in terms of gaming options and platforms, other providers might be more suitable.

What are the most popular Ho Gaming casino games?
Ho Gaming primarily offers live games, but specific popular game titles are not provided in the data.
Are Ho Gaming games available to players in the US?
Yes, Ho Gaming games are available to players in the US.
Which Ho Gaming + slots have the highest RTP?
The data does not provide information on any bonus offered by Ho Gaming.